WOD - Oct 12, 2019

With a partner:
Clean ladder

1 Rep (per min)

*Partner 1 clean on min 1, Partner 2 clean on min 2 (10 attempts each)

**One partner must complete 10 Pull-ups or 12 Ring rows before partner can attempt their snatch

***If you fail an attempt you have to wait until your next minute to re-attempt

Score = total weight lifted throughout all 20 mins

Part A
Med ball floor to shelf - 10/side x3
Med ball thruster - 15x3
Med ball sit ups - 20x3

Part B
Tabata Mountain climbers + Jumps squats
:20 sec work/:10 sec rest
x8 sets

15 min AMRAP
10 Seated DB seesaw press
10 Squat thrust over dumbbell
10 Renegade row
10 DB front squat