WOD - Feb 23, 2019

A. EMOM 10
Min 1 - 10 v-ups + 30 DU or 60 singles
Min 2 - 8 Burpees
With a partner:
In 10 mins find max push press
-rest 2 mins-
In 10 mins find max front squat

*2 scores - total weight in push press and front squat

Part A
Banded RNT lunges - 10/side x4
Cossack squat - 14/alt x4

Part B 
Powell raise - 10/side x3
Cuban raise - 5/side x3
DB wrist curls - 10x3

10 min bike/row/ski/run @ steady pace
*every 2 mins complete
5 squat thrusts
5 star jumps