WOD - Apr 27, 2019

With a partner:

42 min AMRAP
4 Rope climbs
26 HSPU or seated DB strict press
77 DU or 115 Single unders
4 BMU (scale = 8 Pull-ups/CTB)
26 Hang power snatches
77 Box jumps @ 24/20”

Rx - 95/65#
MRx - 65/55#
Teens - 55/45#


Part A
Bear crawl plate push - 50ft x4
Weighted OH walking lunge - 50ft x4
Burpee broad jumps - 50ft x4

Part B
Hanging L-sit hold - 15-20 sec. x3
Dragon flags - 5x3 *super slow and controlled
Side V-ups - 10/side x3

10 min AMRAP
5 Cal row
15 Wallballs
*each round add 5 cals to row