WOD - Jan 17, 2019

A1. KB farmers carry - accumulate 600ft
A2. Handstand hold against wall - 30 sec. x4
A3. Ring to chest hold or chin over bar hold - 20 sec. x4
For time:
2k Row
30 Power cleans
10 Burpee pull-ups

Rx - 135/95#
MRx - 95/65#
Teens - 65/55#

Part A
Pallof press - 10/hand x3
Banded pull aparts with palms facing up - 20x3
DB skull crushers - 15x3

Part B
Lateral box step up w/DB - 6-8/side x3
Skater squats - 10/legx3
Tip toe hold - 30 sec. x3

2 min row
20 Barbell bicep curl
2 min Bike
20 Barbell shoulder to overhead
-rest 1 min-
x3 sets