WOD - Apr 20, 2018

A. Split jerk - 2 reps building over 6 sets to moderate weight
Pull-up Biathalon
Pull-ups (sport - CTB, scale - Ring rows)
*between each set run 400m
**If you break in pull-ups you must run 200m

Sport - 
A. EMOM 15
1 - 6 PC+J @ 155/105# + 10 push ups
2 - 3-5 Strict pullups + 10 DL @ 155/105#
3 - 12/10 Cal row
B. Banded march - 10 mins w/ 30/20#
C. 4 sets
20 Hollow rocks
20 Arch rocks
20s Star plank/side
5 Hollow to KB L-sit