WOD - Apr 17, 2024

3 Sets
20 Downdog calf pedals
5 Inchworms to cobra
10 Iron Cross
10 T-spine rotations/side
All Tiers
5-4-3-2-1 minute
Max Row, Or Ski, Or Bike Erg
-Rest 1 minute between sets-

**INTENTION - The stimulus for today's workout is increasing intensity/effort across sets with distances slightly declining. Athletes should start at a slow-moderate pace, and by the end, they should be into a fast-sprint attempt. The rest will always be 1 minute, so caution athletes to stay moving during the rest and don't sit down. Tell athletes at the start of the week to bring a stopwatch for today's workout so they can keep up with their time if they are running outside.
Ring Muscle Ups
*Choose a number (1-5) based on your level that is a repeatable, unbroken set throughout the EMOM.

EMOM8: 5 Ring Kip Swings + 3 Strict Pull-ups

Emom8: 5 Kip Swings + 2-3 Assisted Strict Pull-ups