WOD - May 23, 2024

3 mins bike or row
3 sets
3 Clean Deadlift
3 Clean Pulls
3 Hang Muscle Cleans
3 Power Cleans
Power Clean - establish a heavy single in 8 mins
Hang Muscle Cleans (at 40-50% of Heavy Power Clean) - 8x3 sets
Freedom (RX'd)
For Time
30 Clean and Jerks @ 135/95#

Independence (Scaled/Masters)
For Time
30 Clean and Jerks @ 115/80#

Time Cap - 8 mins
Target - 3-5 mins

**INTENTION - Stimulus is high intensity but with a strategic rep scheme/pace. Athletes need to have a solid plan of attack that allows them to push the pace/tempo to finish in the target time frame. It’s one movement! Athletes should be in Attack mode from the start. Come out swinging and see if you can hold on for dear life. If they have done this workout before, then suggest trying a different approach.
Accessory - 4 sets:
12 Standing Landmine Twists
10 Landmine Press (each)
10 Landmine RDL