WOD - May 6, 2024

10 Minutes
:30s Jog In Place
20 Downdog Calf Pedals
3 Inchworms w/Push-up
10 Scap Push-ups
10 T-spine Rotations/side
10 Tempo Air Squats
10 Scapulas Pull-ups
Freedom (RX'd)
400m Run
5 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”

*1 Rd of Strict Cindy
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Independence (Scaled/Masters)
400m run
5 Rounds of Cindy

*1 Rd of Strict Cindy
5 Strict Pull Ups (or 10 ring rows)
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Compete (Open Prep/Quarterfinals)
400m run
5 Rounds of Strict Chest to Bar Cindy

**INTENTION - Murph is happening at the end of May. In preparation, the following weeks of programming leading up will have variations of “Murph'' movements to get athletes prepared for the Memorial Day workout. With this being the 3rd week of conditioning, weighted running is an option for this workout. Athletes should be working at 75% of the total Murph volume. They should focus on finding a consistent pace that will allow for similar round times from the first to the final set. Athletes should tackle the run at a moderate intensity and steady pace. Then, as they get into the rounds of “Cindy” it’s time to grind and see if we can keep a near non-stop effort until the end.