WOD - Aug 20, 2018

A. Front Squat - 4 reps every 1:30 for 6 sets - stay at same weight across the board
B. 2 sets -
20 Crunches
20 Flutter Kicks
2 min AMRAP
10 Box jumps or step ups
10 DB snatch
-rest 1 min-
-rest 1 min-
2 min AMRAP
10 Box jumps or step ups
10 DB hang clean and jerk (5/per arm)
-rest 1 min-

Sport -
A. Snatch balance - 3x5 *light warm up weight
B. Snatch pull under - 2x5 sets *increasing but staying light
C. Snatch - 1x50, 1x60, 2x3x70
800m run @ 1.5 mile pace
-rest 3 mins-