WOD - May 16, 2024

3:00 Machine of choice
3 Sets
10 Hand Release Push Up
5 Single Arm Bench Press (each side, moderate)
5 Single Arm Ring Rows (each)
Freedom (RX'd)
3 sets:
3 Rounds
10 Bench Press @ 135/85#
20 Bent Over Banded Rows
-rest 1:1 between sets-

Independence (Scaled/Masters)
3 sets:
3 Rounds
10 Bench Press @ 115/75#
20 Bent Over Banded Rows
-rest 1:1 between sets-

Compete (Open Prep/Quarterfinals)
3 sets:
3 Rounds
12 Bench Press @ 135/85#
24 Bent Over Banded Rows
-rest 1:1 between sets-

**INTENTION - These are intended to give your athletes a great "pump" for the day. They are a mix of bodybuilding-type movements, some CrossFit style structure and/or movements, and aerobic work. The intensity is designed just to be MODERATE! It is so we can come and do a workout to get a "pump," sweat some, and get out of breath. Ideally, you can perform these with partners as well! Athletes should approach each movement consistently to help keep a steady workflow without over-resting or blowing up their upper body. The weight is just recommended; athletes can add weight if they feel they can maintain the intended stimulus.
Accessory - 4 sets
15 Seated Dumbbell Curls
15 Seated Double Dumbbell Tricep Extensions