WOD - May 17, 2024

400m Jog
3 sets:
5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
4 Hang Muscle Snatch
3 Snatch Grip Push Press
2 Hang Power Snatch
1 Power Snatch
Freedom (RX'd)
800m Run
Heavy Double Power Snatch
800m Run

**INTENTION - 3-part event, with the first being a moderate run, Rest, into a Heavy double Power Snatch. Then, athletes go into a push-pace run. Before starting the workout, athletes should work up to their opening weight and set it up with extra plates on the side. They will have 4:00 to complete an 800m run; whatever time is left is rest. At 4:00, we have athletes working up to a heavy double power snatch until 8:00. As soon as 8:00 hits on the clock, athletes must stop lifting and finish with an 800m run. Ensure everything is set up and athletes are ready to go on their final run before the clock turns over.
Accessory - 4 Rounds
10 Weighted Hip Thrust @ Moderate weight
10 GHD Hip Raise @ moderate weight
10 Plate Front Raise