WOD - May 20, 2024

2 sets
30 Single Unders
10 Cossack Squats
3 sets:
5 Inch Worms
2x50ft Shuttle Runs
3 Front Squats (empty bar - build across sets)
5 Up downs
Front Squat - 1 heavy single in 10-12 mins
Freedom (RX'd)
800m Run x2 sets
-rest 2:00 after each set-
3 Sets:
20 Pull-ups
40 Push-ups
60 Air Squats
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Independence (Scaled/Masters)
800m Run x2 sets
-rest 2:00 after each set-
3 Sets:
15 Pull Ups
30 Push ups
45 Air Squats
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Compete (Open Prep/Quarterfinals)
800m Run x3 sets
-rest 2:00 after each set-
4 Sets:
20 Pull Ups
40 Push ups
60 Air Squats
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Target time each set:
Run: 3:30-4:15
Gymnastics: 4-5 minutes

Time cap each set:
Run: 5 minutes
Gymnastics: 5 minutes

**INTENTION - Murph is happening at the end of May. In preparation, the following weeks of programming will have variations of “Murph” movements to get athletes prepped for the Memorial Day workout. With this being the last week of conditioning, the stimulus should be moderate across the workout. Athletes should settle in and find a comfortable pace on the 2 sets of 800m. Once the run is completed, athletes will rest 2:00 and then go into the bodyweight portion, where they will attack 3 moderately large gymnastics sets with a push-pace effort. Get comfortable on the run and then challenge athletes to ramp up the intensity through the gymnastics. We recommend wearing a weighted vest to prep for Murph.