WOD - May 21, 2024

10 minutes
10 Toe Touch Stretch
:10 HS Hold
:30 Jump Rope
5 Banded Good Mornings
5 Deadlifts (empty bar - build across sets)
Odd: 5-8 Strict Ring Dips
Even: :10-20 sec Ring Support Hold

Advanced athletes can add weight to make it challenging.
Modify to matador or box dips/hold as needed.
Freedom (RX'd)
50 Double Unders
25ft Handstand Walk (OR 2 Wall Walks)
Max Deadlifts @ 225/155#
*Go until you get 50 reps
-rest 1 minute between sets-

Independence (Scaled/Masters)
100 Single Unders
15ft Handstand Walk (Or 1 Wall Walk)
Max Deadlifts @ 185/125#
Go until you get 50 reps
-rest 1 minute between sets-

Compete (Open Prep/Quarterfinals)
50 Double Unders
25ft Handstand Walk (Or 2 Wall Walks)
Max Deadlifts @ 255/175#
Go until you get 50 reps
-rest 1 minute between sets-

Time Cap - 14 mins (total)

**INTENTION - Workout is scored by total time. If athletes do not complete 50 reps within 5 sets, they will score 14:00 plus remaining unfinished DL reps (1 rep = 1 sec). Stimulus is moderate to moderately high intensity. Be aggressive through the first 2 movements, and then try to knock off a large chunk of the deadlifts in the first few sets while the body is fresh. Athletes must average 10 deadlifts to finish in the time cap. Adjust reps, movements, and weights to allow for this. The goal for athletes should be to have at least 30 seconds or more of time remaining for deadlifts.